Entrances and Exits, featuring Matthew Borgen, Laura Krasnow, and me, "takes a playful approach to surface and the picture plane. The artwork contains multiple points of view, creates and breaks the illusion, and subverts traditional notions of pictorial space and compositional elements. With an eclectic mix of interests and influences, the artists in this show make unusual connections between a wide range of subject and styles including comic book panels, postwar modernism, street art, glass windows, and scientific charts and illustrations." In addition to an opening reception for the exhibition, a grand opening reception will be held for The InLiquid Gallery, the organization's first permanent gallery space, located in the Crane Arts Building. Entrances and Exits
Curated by Mat Tomezko
March 8–April 7, 2018
Opening Reception: Thursday, March 8, 6–8 pm Grand Opening Reception: Wednesday, March 14, 6–8 pm
The InLiquid Gallery
Crane Arts Building, Studio 108
1400 N. American St.
Philadelphia, PA 19122